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Welcome to our preschool

St. Gregory the Great Catholic Preschool is a component of the St. Gregory the Great Parish and Catholic Elementary School. As a Catholic preschool, children will be nurtured and cared for as children of God and will learn about God's love under the nurturing guidance of qualified teachers and aides who are models of the Catholic faith. The preschool is governed by the elementary school’s general guidelines follows the calendar of the elementary school. Admission to the preschool requires that a child be two, three or four years old (depending on the class) by the first day of school and is contingent upon the child being “potty trained” for three years and older.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide quality Catholic education where gospel values are integrated into the fiber of
each school day. The administration, faculty and staff, in partnership with parents, are committed to
providing a Christ-centered learning experience that will allow and encourage each child to realize his/her
God-given potential and embrace a faith-filled future of leadership, stewardship, and the pursuit of lifelong learning.